[Various County School Land Leagues]
Twichell Survey Records
Height x Width
55.7 x 41.4 inches
141.5 x 105.2 cm
Part of: Twichell Survey Records
[Jas. T. Williams Survey]
![91163, [Jas. T. Williams Survey], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91163-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Jas. T. Williams Survey]
Size 29.4 x 19.8 inches
Map/Doc 91163
[Field Notes attached to Sketch of North Line of Deaf Smith County and South Line of Oldham County]
![91407, [Field Notes attached to Sketch of North Line of Deaf Smith County and South Line of Oldham County], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91407-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Field Notes attached to Sketch of North Line of Deaf Smith County and South Line of Oldham County]
Size 40.6 x 20.0 inches
Map/Doc 91407
[PSL Blocks A, 38, 40, 51-57, B-1 and C and T. & P. Block 46, Township 1N]
![93149, [PSL Blocks A, 38, 40, 51-57, B-1 and C and T. & P. Block 46, Township 1N], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/93149-1.tif.jpg)
Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
[PSL Blocks A, 38, 40, 51-57, B-1 and C and T. & P. Block 46, Township 1N]
Size 23.8 x 84.4 inches
Map/Doc 93149
[Blocks M17, M18, M23, XO2, L, Z, and Block 47, Sections 18-25]
![91241, [Blocks M17, M18, M23, XO2, L, Z, and Block 47, Sections 18-25], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91241-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Blocks M17, M18, M23, XO2, L, Z, and Block 47, Sections 18-25]
Size 32.3 x 26.2 inches
Map/Doc 91241
Dawson County Sketch showing survey made in accordance with an order of the Hon. District Court of Garza County July Term A.D. 1917 in the case of F. M. Weaver vs. A. W. Higginbotham #41

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Dawson County Sketch showing survey made in accordance with an order of the Hon. District Court of Garza County July Term A.D. 1917 in the case of F. M. Weaver vs. A. W. Higginbotham #41
Size 23.1 x 18.1 inches
Map/Doc 90637
[King, Knox & Stonewall Counties]
![92917, [King, Knox & Stonewall Counties], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/92917-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[King, Knox & Stonewall Counties]
Size 19.6 x 28.2 inches
Map/Doc 92917
[Texas Boundary Line]
![92070, [Texas Boundary Line], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/92070-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Texas Boundary Line]
Size 21.5 x 12.0 inches
Map/Doc 92070
[Plat showing Blocks Z, Q and D]
![90289, [Plat showing Blocks Z, Q and D], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/90289-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Plat showing Blocks Z, Q and D]
Size 15.9 x 21.2 inches
Map/Doc 90289
Map of the Amarillo Country Showing the Agricultural Land Tributary to Amarillo, Texas

Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Map of the Amarillo Country Showing the Agricultural Land Tributary to Amarillo, Texas
Size 55.7 x 38.7 inches
Map/Doc 89806
[East Line, Hemphill County]
![90725, [East Line, Hemphill County], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/90725-1.tif.jpg)
Print $2.00
- Digital $50.00
[East Line, Hemphill County]
Size 5.4 x 15.0 inches
Map/Doc 90725
[Leagues along West line of County]
![90547, [Leagues along West line of County], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/90547-1.tif.jpg)
Print $2.00
- Digital $50.00
[Leagues along West line of County]
Size 5.7 x 11.6 inches
Map/Doc 90547
[Sketch showing E. line of Lipscomb County along Oklahoma border]
![89718, [Sketch showing E. line of Lipscomb County along Oklahoma border], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/89718-1.tif.jpg)
Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
[Sketch showing E. line of Lipscomb County along Oklahoma border]
Size 68.7 x 9.6 inches
Map/Doc 89718
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The Republic County of Montgomery. February 2, 1842

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
The Republic County of Montgomery. February 2, 1842
Size 10.0 x 10.8 inches
Map/Doc 96239
[Hall, Luce, Aimaguie, and surrounding surveys]
![91191, [Hall, Luce, Aimaguie, and surrounding surveys], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91191-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Hall, Luce, Aimaguie, and surrounding surveys]
Size 21.0 x 29.1 inches
Map/Doc 91191
Archer County Sketch File 8b

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- Digital $50.00
Archer County Sketch File 8b
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Grimes County Sketch File 4a

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- Digital $50.00
Grimes County Sketch File 4a
Size 13.0 x 8.4 inches
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Glasscock County Sketch File 17

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- Digital $50.00
Glasscock County Sketch File 17
Size 11.4 x 8.8 inches
Map/Doc 24188
Matagorda Bay and Approaches

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Matagorda Bay and Approaches
Size 35.3 x 45.0 inches
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[T. & P. Blocks 43-44, Townships 1S, 2S and 1N]
![90830, [T. & P. Blocks 43-44, Townships 1S, 2S and 1N], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/90830-2.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[T. & P. Blocks 43-44, Townships 1S, 2S and 1N]
Size 18.8 x 22.6 inches
Map/Doc 90830
Pecos County Rolled Sketch 105

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Pecos County Rolled Sketch 105
Size 30.7 x 37.7 inches
Map/Doc 9717
Kerr County Rolled Sketch 8 and 9

Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Kerr County Rolled Sketch 8 and 9
Size 56.3 x 37.9 inches
Map/Doc 8346
Edwards County

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Edwards County
Size 26.7 x 30.2 inches
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Swisher County

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Swisher County
Size 44.7 x 38.5 inches
Map/Doc 95648
Freestone County Working Sketch 27

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Freestone County Working Sketch 27
Size 28.0 x 30.9 inches
Map/Doc 69269