Amerique Septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties
Holcomb Digital Map Collection
Object Dates
1792 (Creation Date)
People and Organizations
Chés Ian Bt. Elwe (Publisher)
[Jan Barend Elwe] (Author)
North America
Height x Width
21.3 x 25.9 inches
54.1 x 65.8 cm
Courtesy of Frank and Carol Holcomb.
Part of: Holcomb Digital Map Collection
Colton's New Map of the State of Texas, the Indian Territory and adjoining portions of New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas
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Colton's New Map of the State of Texas, the Indian Territory and adjoining portions of New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas
Size 32.8 x 37.3 inches
Map/Doc 93909
Carte d'Amerique, Divisee en ses Principaux Pays, Dressee sur les Memoires les plus recents, et sur differents Voyages, et assujettie aux observations Astronomiques de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences
Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Carte d'Amerique, Divisee en ses Principaux Pays, Dressee sur les Memoires les plus recents, et sur differents Voyages, et assujettie aux observations Astronomiques de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences
Size 43.5 x 51.3 inches
Map/Doc 96430
America siue India Nova ad magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui Vniversalis imitationem in compendium redacta
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
America siue India Nova ad magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui Vniversalis imitationem in compendium redacta
Size 18.3 x 21.6 inches
Map/Doc 93807
Karte von Texas
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Karte von Texas
Size 18.9 x 14.6 inches
Map/Doc 93875
Map of Europe designed to accompany Smith's Geography for Schools
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Map of Europe designed to accompany Smith's Geography for Schools
Size 9.8 x 12.1 inches
Map/Doc 93892
America with those known parts in that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
America with those known parts in that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings
Size 17.1 x 22.2 inches
Map/Doc 93816
Trace d'une partie Chemin de Fer de Galveston à Houston et Henderson, Texas, Etats unis d'Amérique
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Trace d'une partie Chemin de Fer de Galveston à Houston et Henderson, Texas, Etats unis d'Amérique
Size 17.1 x 21.8 inches
Map/Doc 93905
North America and the West Indies
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
North America and the West Indies
Size 41.6 x 46.9 inches
Map/Doc 93834
North America corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal Society at London and the Royal Academy at Paris
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
North America corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal Society at London and the Royal Academy at Paris
Size 38.9 x 26.9 inches
Map/Doc 93820
Map of Mexico, including Yucatan & Upper California, exhibiting the chief cities and towns, the principal travelling routes &c.
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Map of Mexico, including Yucatan & Upper California, exhibiting the chief cities and towns, the principal travelling routes &c.
Size 18.3 x 26.1 inches
Map/Doc 93871
La Riviere de Missisipi, et ses environs, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
La Riviere de Missisipi, et ses environs, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale
Size 22.0 x 27.8 inches
Map/Doc 96518
Die Neüwen Inseln / so hinder Hispanien gegen Orient bey dem Landt Indie ligen
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Die Neüwen Inseln / so hinder Hispanien gegen Orient bey dem Landt Indie ligen
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