A Boundary Atlas of Texas, 1821-1845
Jim Tiller’s "A Boundary Atlas of Texas, 1821-1845" is available exclusively as a digital download from the Texas General Land Office. Jim Tiller, along with Nancy Tiller and Gang Gong, have created detailed, easy-to-read, corner-sourced maps of the Mexican province of Texas and the Republic of Texas, including over 450 original maps with descriptive text and extensive endnotes.
Nancy and Jim Tiller Digital Collection
Object Dates
2020 (Creation Date)
People and Organizations
Jim Tiller (Author)
Nancy Tiller (Draftsman)
Gang Gong (GIS Professional)
Atlas County Boundaries Texas Boundaries
To download a preview of the cover, title page, and table of contents for this atlas, please click "Download PDF" above.
To view and order copies of the individual maps contained within this atlas click here.
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Part of: Nancy and Jim Tiller Digital Collection
The Republic County of Lamar. December 29, 1845

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The Republic County of Lamar. December 29, 1845
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Map/Doc 96207
The Republic County of Liberty. December 7, 1841

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The Republic County of Liberty. December 7, 1841
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From Citizens Living in Gonzales and Victoria Counties for the Creation of a New Judicial County to be Called Guadalupe, Undated

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From Citizens Living in Gonzales and Victoria Counties for the Creation of a New Judicial County to be Called Guadalupe, Undated
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The Judicial District/County of Menard. December 7, 1841

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
The Judicial District/County of Menard. December 7, 1841
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Map/Doc 96336
The Republic County of Lamar. Spring 1842

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- Digital $50.00
The Republic County of Lamar. Spring 1842
Size 8.2 x 10.8 inches
Map/Doc 96204
The Republic County of Bexar. December 29, 1845

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The Republic County of Bexar. December 29, 1845
Size 12.3 x 10.8 inches
Map/Doc 96101
The Chief Justice County of Milam. Lands in Conflict with Bexar County

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- Digital $50.00
The Chief Justice County of Milam. Lands in Conflict with Bexar County
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Map/Doc 96060
The Republic County of Colorado. 1841

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The Republic County of Colorado. 1841
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The Chief Justice Counties. Late Summer 1837

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- Digital $50.00
The Chief Justice Counties. Late Summer 1837
Size 8.4 x 9.5 inches
Map/Doc 96079
The Chief Justice County of Liberty. Lands in Conflict with Harrisburg County

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
The Chief Justice County of Liberty. Lands in Conflict with Harrisburg County
Size 10.3 x 10.8 inches
Map/Doc 96056
The Republic County of Robertson. December 29, 1845

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
The Republic County of Robertson. December 29, 1845
Size 8.4 x 10.8 inches
Map/Doc 96264
The Republic County of Houston. December 6, 1841

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
The Republic County of Houston. December 6, 1841
Size 9.8 x 10.9 inches
Map/Doc 96180
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