[Texas & Pacific Block 32, T-4-N showing ties to triangulation stations]
Twichell Survey Records
Height x Width
20.4 x 11.6 inches
51.8 x 29.5 cm
Part of: Twichell Survey Records
Plat of 83.94 acre vacant tract of land showing connections to adjoining surveys

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Plat of 83.94 acre vacant tract of land showing connections to adjoining surveys
Size 17.7 x 21.1 inches
Map/Doc 90823
[Block K5, Section 13]
![91452, [Block K5, Section 13], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91452-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Block K5, Section 13]
Size 22.2 x 18.5 inches
Map/Doc 91452
Myrick Farms Lubbock & Hockley Counties

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Myrick Farms Lubbock & Hockley Counties
Size 21.3 x 21.5 inches
Map/Doc 92830
[Wilson Strickland Survey and Vicinity, Exhibit L]
![91377, [Wilson Strickland Survey and Vicinity, Exhibit L], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91377-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Wilson Strickland Survey and Vicinity, Exhibit L]
Size 32.8 x 27.1 inches
Map/Doc 91377
[Warren Additions 3 and 4 and vicinity]
![92464, [Warren Additions 3 and 4 and vicinity], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/92464-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Warren Additions 3 and 4 and vicinity]
Size 23.9 x 19.5 inches
Map/Doc 92464
[Township 5-S, Blocks 36, 37 & 38]
![92291, [Township 5-S, Blocks 36, 37 & 38], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/92291-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Township 5-S, Blocks 36, 37 & 38]
Size 27.6 x 26.5 inches
Map/Doc 92291
[John S. Stephens Blk. S2, Lgs. 174-177, 186-193, 201-209]
![90107, [John S. Stephens Blk. S2, Lgs. 174-177, 186-193, 201-209], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/90107-1.tif.jpg)
Print $2.00
- Digital $50.00
[John S. Stephens Blk. S2, Lgs. 174-177, 186-193, 201-209]
Size 11.4 x 9.0 inches
Map/Doc 90107
[Texas Boundary Line]
![92069, [Texas Boundary Line], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/92069-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Texas Boundary Line]
Size 31.8 x 18.1 inches
Map/Doc 92069
Plains, Yoakum County, Texas

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Plains, Yoakum County, Texas
Size 41.0 x 43.6 inches
Map/Doc 89907
[Leagues 7, 8, 9, and 10]
![92253, [Leagues 7, 8, 9, and 10], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/92253-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Leagues 7, 8, 9, and 10]
Size 31.7 x 24.4 inches
Map/Doc 92253
Raymond Marshall Farm

Print $3.00
- Digital $50.00
Raymond Marshall Farm
Size 9.8 x 12.6 inches
Map/Doc 92310
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- Digital $50.00
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- Digital $50.00
Harris County Working Sketch 107
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DeWitt County Sketch File 3

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- Digital $50.00
DeWitt County Sketch File 3
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- Digital $50.00
[Surveys in Austin County]
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- Digital $50.00
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Haskell County
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- Digital $50.00
Real County Rolled Sketch 18
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- Digital $50.00
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- Digital $50.00
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- Digital $50.00
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Reagan County Working Sketch 17
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- Digital $50.00
Caldwell County Working Sketch 4
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