Block G, Section 160, Gaines County, Texas
Twichell Survey Records
Height x Width
19.7 x 24.0 inches
50.0 x 61.0 cm
Part of: Twichell Survey Records
Map Showing Corrections for Capitol Leagues in Conflict in Oldham Co.

Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Map Showing Corrections for Capitol Leagues in Conflict in Oldham Co.
Size 53.0 x 32.4 inches
Map/Doc 89798
W. S. Mabry Land Corners and Connections, Potter County

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
W. S. Mabry Land Corners and Connections, Potter County
Size 22.6 x 17.5 inches
Map/Doc 91806
[Blocks 3, Q, and vicinity]
![91274, [Blocks 3, Q, and vicinity], Twichell Survey Records](
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Blocks 3, Q, and vicinity]
Size 19.4 x 8.9 inches
Map/Doc 91274
Working Sketch in Crosby, Garza, Lynn, and Lubbock Counties

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Working Sketch in Crosby, Garza, Lynn, and Lubbock Counties
Size 33.7 x 35.6 inches
Map/Doc 92546
[Sketch showing I. & G. N. Block 8]
![91715, [Sketch showing I. & G. N. Block 8], Twichell Survey Records](
Print $2.00
- Digital $50.00
[Sketch showing I. & G. N. Block 8]
Size 7.7 x 10.3 inches
Map/Doc 91715
[Blocks 2, 3, 4, 7, and B2]
![90754, [Blocks 2, 3, 4, 7, and B2], Twichell Survey Records](
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Blocks 2, 3, 4, 7, and B2]
Size 20.0 x 25.6 inches
Map/Doc 90754
[H. T. & B. RR. Company, Block 10]
![91397, [H. T. & B. RR. Company, Block 10], Twichell Survey Records](
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[H. T. & B. RR. Company, Block 10]
Size 18.3 x 4.0 inches
Map/Doc 91397
[Worksheets related to the Wilson Strickland survey and vicinity]
![89715, [Vicinity and related to the Wilson Strickland Survey], Twichell Survey Records](
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Worksheets related to the Wilson Strickland survey and vicinity]
Size 34.7 x 43.0 inches
Map/Doc 89715
Working Sketch in Hutchinson County

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Working Sketch in Hutchinson County
Size 16.9 x 13.6 inches
Map/Doc 91251
Working Sketch of Surveys in Garza Co. About 12 Miles N. from Post City

Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Working Sketch of Surveys in Garza Co. About 12 Miles N. from Post City
Size 48.5 x 37.4 inches
Map/Doc 89872
[Skletch filed with corrected field notes of Surveys 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block B-19 Public School Lands]
![93056, [Skletch filed with corrected field notes of Surveys 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block B-19 Public School Lands], Twichell Survey Records](
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Skletch filed with corrected field notes of Surveys 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block B-19 Public School Lands]
Size 19.3 x 15.4 inches
Map/Doc 93056
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Leon County Rolled Sketch 7

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- Digital $50.00
Leon County Rolled Sketch 7
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McCulloch County Rolled Sketch 11

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
McCulloch County Rolled Sketch 11
Size 46.3 x 40.3 inches
Map/Doc 9499
Amistad International Reservoir on Rio Grande 88

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- Digital $50.00
Amistad International Reservoir on Rio Grande 88
Size 28.5 x 40.2 inches
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No. IX - Outline map of the vicinity of Corpus Christi

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- Digital $50.00
No. IX - Outline map of the vicinity of Corpus Christi
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Houston Ship Channel, Alexander Island to Carpenter Bayou

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- Digital $50.00
Houston Ship Channel, Alexander Island to Carpenter Bayou
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[Sketch showing G. & M. Block 5]
![91704, [Sketch showing G. & M. Block 5], Twichell Survey Records](
Print $2.00
- Digital $50.00
[Sketch showing G. & M. Block 5]
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From Citizens of Montgomery County for the Creation of a New County to be Called Bowie, January 18, 1838

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
From Citizens of Montgomery County for the Creation of a New County to be Called Bowie, January 18, 1838
Size 9.6 x 10.8 inches
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[Surveys along the Frio River at the confluence of the Sabinal River]
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- Digital $50.00
[Surveys along the Frio River at the confluence of the Sabinal River]
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- Digital $50.00
Kerr County Rolled Sketch 23
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[Block 36, Townships 1 and 2 North]
![91388, [Block 36, Townships 1 and 2 North], Twichell Survey Records](
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- Digital $50.00
[Block 36, Townships 1 and 2 North]
Size 16.7 x 35.6 inches
Map/Doc 91388
Flight Mission No. DAH-9M, Frame 84, Orange County

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Flight Mission No. DAH-9M, Frame 84, Orange County
Size 18.7 x 22.5 inches
Map/Doc 86848