Americae Sive Novi Orbis Nova Descriptio
Holcomb Digital Map Collection
Object Dates
1606 (Creation Date)
People and Organizations
[John Norton] (Publisher)
[Abraham Ortelius] (Author)
North America South America
Height x Width
16.5 x 22.4 inches
41.9 x 56.9 cm
Courtesy of Frank and Carol Holcomb.
Part of: Holcomb Digital Map Collection
A.R. Roessler's Latest Map of the State of Texas Exhibiting Mineral and Agricultural Districts, Post Offices & Mailroutes, Railroads projected and finished, Timber, Prairie, Swamp Lands, etc. etc. etc.

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
A.R. Roessler's Latest Map of the State of Texas Exhibiting Mineral and Agricultural Districts, Post Offices & Mailroutes, Railroads projected and finished, Timber, Prairie, Swamp Lands, etc. etc. etc.
Size 39.9 x 44.6 inches
Map/Doc 95369
Amerique Septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Amerique Septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties
Size 21.3 x 25.9 inches
Map/Doc 93916
Topographisch-geognostische Karte von Texas mit Zugrundelegung der geographischen Karte v. Wilson nach eigenen Beobachtungen bearbeitet von Dr. Ferd. Roemer

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Topographisch-geognostische Karte von Texas mit Zugrundelegung der geographischen Karte v. Wilson nach eigenen Beobachtungen bearbeitet von Dr. Ferd. Roemer
Size 24.5 x 21.0 inches
Map/Doc 94099
Map of the British Isles designed to accompany Smith's Geography for Schools

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Map of the British Isles designed to accompany Smith's Geography for Schools
Size 12.1 x 9.8 inches
Map/Doc 93894
America Septentrionalis

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
America Septentrionalis
Size 20.0 x 23.4 inches
Map/Doc 93817
Map of the United States

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Map of the United States
Size 25.1 x 25.3 inches
Map/Doc 93899
Colton's New Map of the State of Texas, the Indian Territory and adjoining portions of New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas

Print $2.00
- Digital $50.00
Colton's New Map of the State of Texas, the Indian Territory and adjoining portions of New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas
Size 8.5 x 5.0 inches
Map/Doc 93921
A General Map of North America; In which is Express'd the several New Roads, Forts, Engagements, & c. taken from Actual Surveys and Observations Made in the Army employ'd there

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
A General Map of North America; In which is Express'd the several New Roads, Forts, Engagements, & c. taken from Actual Surveys and Observations Made in the Army employ'd there
Size 37.6 x 38.6 inches
Map/Doc 93827
Texas Nach den besten Quellen

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Texas Nach den besten Quellen
Size 15.4 x 18.7 inches
Map/Doc 93874
Carte Generale du Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne depuis le Parallele de 16° jusqu'au Parallele de 38° (Latitude Nord)

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Carte Generale du Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne depuis le Parallele de 16° jusqu'au Parallele de 38° (Latitude Nord)
Size 41.5 x 29.5 inches
Map/Doc 96510
Colton's New Map of the State of Texas, the Indian Territory and adjoining portions of New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Colton's New Map of the State of Texas, the Indian Territory and adjoining portions of New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas
Size 32.8 x 37.3 inches
Map/Doc 93909
Die Neüwen Inseln / so hinder Hispanien gegen Orient bey dem Landt Indie ligen

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Die Neüwen Inseln / so hinder Hispanien gegen Orient bey dem Landt Indie ligen
Size 12.3 x 15.6 inches
Map/Doc 93803
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