America with those known parts in that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings
Holcomb Digital Map Collection
Object Dates
1626 (Creation Date)
People and Organizations
Abraham Goos (Printer)
[John Speed] (Author)
North America South America
Height x Width
17.2 x 22.3 inches
43.7 x 56.6 cm
Courtesy of Frank and Carol Holcomb.
Part of: Holcomb Digital Map Collection
Topographisch-geognostische Karte von Texas mit Zugrundelegung der geographischen Karte v. Wilson nach eigenen Beobachtungen bearbeitet von Dr. Ferd. Roemer

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Topographisch-geognostische Karte von Texas mit Zugrundelegung der geographischen Karte v. Wilson nach eigenen Beobachtungen bearbeitet von Dr. Ferd. Roemer
Size 24.5 x 21.0 inches
Map/Doc 94099
Nuevo Mapa Geographico de la America Septentrional, Perteneciente al Virreynato de Mexico

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Nuevo Mapa Geographico de la America Septentrional, Perteneciente al Virreynato de Mexico
Size 23.1 x 30.3 inches
Map/Doc 93835
Brady's Glimpses of Texas with maps

Print $216.00
- Digital $50.00
Brady's Glimpses of Texas with maps
Size 7.5 x 4.9 inches
Map/Doc 93918
Map of Asia designed to accompany Smith's Geography for Schools

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Map of Asia designed to accompany Smith's Geography for Schools
Size 9.6 x 12.0 inches
Map/Doc 93896
A New Map of Texas with the Contiguous American & Mexican States

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
A New Map of Texas with the Contiguous American & Mexican States
Size 12.5 x 15.1 inches
Map/Doc 96643
Map of the United States and Canada

Print $2.00
- Digital $50.00
Map of the United States and Canada
Size 6.2 x 4.2 inches
Map/Doc 93919
Map of the World on Mercator's Projection, flags of all nations and cities of the United States

Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Map of the World on Mercator's Projection, flags of all nations and cities of the United States
Size 40.4 x 55.6 inches
Map/Doc 93914
Carte d'Amerique, Divisee en ses Principaux Pays, Dressee sur les Memoires les plus recents, et sur differents Voyages, et assujettie aux observations Astronomiques de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences

Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Carte d'Amerique, Divisee en ses Principaux Pays, Dressee sur les Memoires les plus recents, et sur differents Voyages, et assujettie aux observations Astronomiques de Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences
Size 43.5 x 51.3 inches
Map/Doc 96430
Karte des Staates Texas (aufgenommen in die Union 1846) nach der neuesten Eintheilung

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Karte des Staates Texas (aufgenommen in die Union 1846) nach der neuesten Eintheilung
Size 13.6 x 15.3 inches
Map/Doc 93880
Americae Nova Descriptio

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Americae Nova Descriptio
Size 19.7 x 23.5 inches
Map/Doc 95370
America sive novvs orbis respectv evropaeorvm inferior globi terrestris pars 1596

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
America sive novvs orbis respectv evropaeorvm inferior globi terrestris pars 1596
Size 14.7 x 18.1 inches
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