[Northeast 1/4 County]
Twichell Survey Records
Garza Crosby
Height x Width
11.9 x 20.3 inches
30.2 x 51.6 cm
Part of: Twichell Survey Records
Map of the Capitol Land Reservation

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Map of the Capitol Land Reservation
Size 25.4 x 24.3 inches
Map/Doc 90642
General Highway Map Travis County

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
General Highway Map Travis County
Size 17.2 x 12.5 inches
Map/Doc 92288
Sketch in Dawson County, Texas

Print $3.00
- Digital $50.00
Sketch in Dawson County, Texas
Size 9.5 x 12.8 inches
Map/Doc 92627
Plat of Common Line of Baylor and Throckmorton Counties as Run by A.D. Kerr and F.B. Stribling

Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Plat of Common Line of Baylor and Throckmorton Counties as Run by A.D. Kerr and F.B. Stribling
Size 63.0 x 9.0 inches
Map/Doc 89640
Exhibit D Robert Violette M.A. 34719 Gaines County, Texas

Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Exhibit D Robert Violette M.A. 34719 Gaines County, Texas
Size 23.6 x 70.2 inches
Map/Doc 89767
[Yates survey 34 1/2 and vicinity]
![91689, [Yates survey 34 1/2 and vicinity], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91689-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Yates survey 34 1/2 and vicinity]
Size 12.6 x 17.8 inches
Map/Doc 91689
[Worksheets related to the Wilson Strickland survey and vicinity]
![91281, [Worksheets related to the Wilson Strickland survey and vicinity], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91281-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Worksheets related to the Wilson Strickland survey and vicinity]
Size 22.6 x 10.2 inches
Map/Doc 91281
[Three Positions Concluded, Exhibit F]
![91371, [Three Positions Concluded, Exhibit F], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91371-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Three Positions Concluded, Exhibit F]
Size 26.0 x 16.4 inches
Map/Doc 91371
Correct Map of Lamb County, Texas

Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Correct Map of Lamb County, Texas
Size 47.1 x 57.1 inches
Map/Doc 89954
[W. T. Brewer: M. McDonald, Ralph Gilpin, A. Vanhooser, John Baker, John R. Taylor Surveys]
![90957, [W. T. Brewer: M. McDonald, Ralph Gilpin, A. Vanhooser, John Baker, John R. Taylor Surveys], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/90957-1.tif.jpg)
Print $2.00
- Digital $50.00
[W. T. Brewer: M. McDonald, Ralph Gilpin, A. Vanhooser, John Baker, John R. Taylor Surveys]
Size 8.7 x 11.3 inches
Map/Doc 90957
[S.P.R.R.Co. Blocks 15 &16]
![92355, [S.P.R.R.Co. Blocks 15 &16], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/92355-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[S.P.R.R.Co. Blocks 15 &16]
Size 37.3 x 32.3 inches
Map/Doc 92355
[Subdivision plat of Crockett County School Land Leagues 214-217 and adjacent leagues]
![90245, [Subdivision plat of Crockett County School Land Leagues 214-217 and adjacent leagues], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/90245-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Subdivision plat of Crockett County School Land Leagues 214-217 and adjacent leagues]
Size 26.8 x 18.8 inches
Map/Doc 90245
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Coleman County Working Sketch 16

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Coleman County Working Sketch 16
Size 41.7 x 35.7 inches
Map/Doc 68082
Flight Mission No. BRA-16M, Frame 137, Jefferson County

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Flight Mission No. BRA-16M, Frame 137, Jefferson County
Size 18.7 x 22.3 inches
Map/Doc 85743
Corpus Christi Bay

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Corpus Christi Bay
Size 36.1 x 47.5 inches
Map/Doc 73475
Navarro County Rolled Sketch 7

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Navarro County Rolled Sketch 7
Size 45.0 x 34.6 inches
Map/Doc 10308
Red River County Sketch File 13

Print $4.00
- Digital $50.00
Red River County Sketch File 13
Size 6.9 x 8.2 inches
Map/Doc 35131
Revised Map of Matagorda Bay and Vicinity in Matagorda and Calhoun Counties, showing Subdivision for Mineral Development

Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Revised Map of Matagorda Bay and Vicinity in Matagorda and Calhoun Counties, showing Subdivision for Mineral Development
Size 43.8 x 57.0 inches
Map/Doc 1910
Runnels County Sketch File 21

Print $5.00
Runnels County Sketch File 21
Size 11.7 x 15.6 inches
Map/Doc 35488
Map of King County

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Map of King County
Size 45.4 x 42.9 inches
Map/Doc 66892
Nautical Chart 892-SC - Intracoastal Waterway - Carlos Bay to Redfish Bay including Copano Bay, Texas

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Nautical Chart 892-SC - Intracoastal Waterway - Carlos Bay to Redfish Bay including Copano Bay, Texas
Size 16.0 x 18.7 inches
Map/Doc 75912
Motley County Sketch File A (S)

Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Motley County Sketch File A (S)
Size 10.7 x 20.4 inches
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Tarrant County Sketch File 30

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- Digital $50.00
Tarrant County Sketch File 30
Size 8.9 x 5.9 inches
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Comanche County Working Sketch 17

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Comanche County Working Sketch 17
Size 39.5 x 37.4 inches
Map/Doc 68151