[Gregg County League No. 2 Subdivided and vicinity]
Twichell Survey Records
Parmer Deaf Smith
Height x Width
17.7 x 16.1 inches
45.0 x 40.9 cm
Part of: Twichell Survey Records
Sketch Showing Construction of School Leagues and Adjacent Lands Situated in Martin and Dawson Counties

Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
Sketch Showing Construction of School Leagues and Adjacent Lands Situated in Martin and Dawson Counties
Size 39.3 x 97.6 inches
Map/Doc 93201
Map of Hale County, Texas

Print $2.00
- Digital $50.00
Map of Hale County, Texas
Size 9.2 x 11.6 inches
Map/Doc 90698
[Worksheets related to the Wilson Strickland survey and vicinity]
![91269, [Worksheets related to the Wilson Strickland survey and vicinity], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91269.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Worksheets related to the Wilson Strickland survey and vicinity]
Size 25.7 x 21.7 inches
Map/Doc 91269
[I. & G. N. RR. Co. Blk. 6, Blks M8, M9 and M10]
![90267, [I. & G. N. RR. Co. Blk. 6, Blks M8, M9 and M10], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/90267-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[I. & G. N. RR. Co. Blk. 6, Blks M8, M9 and M10]
Size 34.2 x 20.3 inches
Map/Doc 90267
[Surveys Surrounding I. G. Yates S.F. 12394]
![91577, [Surveys Surrounding I. G. Yates S.F. 12394], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91577-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Surveys Surrounding I. G. Yates S.F. 12394]
Size 18.6 x 7.2 inches
Map/Doc 91577
Raymond Marshall Farm

Print $3.00
- Digital $50.00
Raymond Marshall Farm
Size 9.8 x 12.6 inches
Map/Doc 92310
Working Sketch in Bastrop County

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Working Sketch in Bastrop County
Size 18.4 x 14.6 inches
Map/Doc 90203
Lubbock County Hale County

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Lubbock County Hale County
Size 18.0 x 22.4 inches
Map/Doc 92833
[Pencil sketch around the Fred Mohler survey 19]
![92994, [Pencil sketch around the Fred Mohler survey 19], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/92994-1.tif.jpg)
Print $3.00
- Digital $50.00
[Pencil sketch around the Fred Mohler survey 19]
Size 14.1 x 10.4 inches
Map/Doc 92994
[Blk. 1 and League 3, Morris County School Land]
![90364, [Blk. 1 and League 3, Morris County School Land], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/90364-1.tif.jpg)
Print $3.00
- Digital $50.00
[Blk. 1 and League 3, Morris County School Land]
Size 12.4 x 11.4 inches
Map/Doc 90364
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Grayson County Rolled Sketch 3

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Grayson County Rolled Sketch 3
Size 33.7 x 46.1 inches
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Tarrant County Working Sketch 14

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Tarrant County Working Sketch 14
Size 26.5 x 31.0 inches
Map/Doc 62431
[Sketch to show the positions of surveys 1-18 made by G. R. Jowell with reference to Capitol Leagues]
![90539, [Sketch to show the positions of surveys 1-18 made by G. R. Jowell with reference to Capitol Leagues], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/90539-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Sketch to show the positions of surveys 1-18 made by G. R. Jowell with reference to Capitol Leagues]
Size 14.7 x 14.6 inches
Map/Doc 90539
Crockett County Rolled Sketch 19

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- Digital $50.00
Crockett County Rolled Sketch 19
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Donley County Boundary File 8

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- Digital $50.00
Donley County Boundary File 8
Size 11.2 x 8.7 inches
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Texas compiled from the latest and best authorities

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- Digital $50.00
Texas compiled from the latest and best authorities
Size 11.8 x 14.0 inches
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Flight Mission No. BRA-7M, Frame 125, Jefferson County

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- Digital $50.00
Flight Mission No. BRA-7M, Frame 125, Jefferson County
Size 16.3 x 16.1 inches
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Rusk County Sketch File 37

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Rusk County Sketch File 37
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Sketch in Uvalde County

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- Digital $50.00
Sketch in Uvalde County
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- Digital $50.00
Sabine Pass and Lake
Size 46.9 x 27.8 inches
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Presidio County Sketch File F

Print $2.00
- Digital $50.00
Presidio County Sketch File F
Size 15.5 x 8.2 inches
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