Yates Pool, Pecos County, Texas
Twichell Survey Records
Object Dates
1/1928 (Creation Date)
Height x Width
11.5 x 10.3 inches
29.2 x 26.2 cm
Part of: Twichell Survey Records
[Blocks M-23, M-17, M-18, H, G, and vicinity]
![91141, [Blocks M-23, M-17, M-18, H, G, and vicinity], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91141-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Blocks M-23, M-17, M-18, H, G, and vicinity]
Size 12.9 x 12.4 inches
Map/Doc 91141
[North Part of Block G]
![92637, [North Part of Block G], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/92637-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[North Part of Block G]
Size 24.1 x 19.7 inches
Map/Doc 92637
[University Lands Blocks 16, 18, 19 and 20]
![91593, [University Lands Blocks 16, 18, 19 and 20], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91593-1.tif.jpg)
Print $3.00
- Digital $50.00
[University Lands Blocks 16, 18, 19 and 20]
Size 8.8 x 16.8 inches
Map/Doc 91593
[T. H. Jones Blk. O, Blk. F, Coyote Lake Area, Sutton County School Land Leagues]
![90246, [T. H. Jones Blk. O, Blk. F, Coyote Lake Area, Sutton County School Land Leagues], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/90246-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[T. H. Jones Blk. O, Blk. F, Coyote Lake Area, Sutton County School Land Leagues]
Size 21.0 x 33.6 inches
Map/Doc 90246
[North line of Hansford, Ochiltree and Lipscomb Counties]
![93190, [North line of Hansford, Ochiltree and Lipscomb Counties], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/93190.tif.jpg)
Print $40.00
- Digital $50.00
[North line of Hansford, Ochiltree and Lipscomb Counties]
Size 89.3 x 16.8 inches
Map/Doc 93190
[Northwest Quarter of County]
![91077, [Northwest Quarter of County], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91077-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Northwest Quarter of County]
Size 18.6 x 25.7 inches
Map/Doc 91077
[R. M. Thompson, Block A]
![91129, [R. M. Thompson, Block A], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/91129-1.tif.jpg)
Print $3.00
- Digital $50.00
[R. M. Thompson, Block A]
Size 9.6 x 11.8 inches
Map/Doc 91129
Ellwood Farms Situated in Hockley, Lamb, and Hale Counties, Texas

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Ellwood Farms Situated in Hockley, Lamb, and Hale Counties, Texas
Size 20.3 x 30.1 inches
Map/Doc 92229
Rhyne Simpson Quirt Ave. Addition to the City of Lubbock

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Rhyne Simpson Quirt Ave. Addition to the City of Lubbock
Size 17.2 x 21.2 inches
Map/Doc 92878
[Part of North line of County, North of Block G]
![90806, [Part of North line of County, North of Block G], Twichell Survey Records](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/90806-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
[Part of North line of County, North of Block G]
Size 17.9 x 12.5 inches
Map/Doc 90806
Ellwood Place, Installment No. 3

Print $20.00
- Digital $50.00
Ellwood Place, Installment No. 3
Size 17.8 x 24.9 inches
Map/Doc 92791
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