A New Map of ye North Parts of America according to the division thereof by the Articles of Peace in 1763
Wherein all the Territories Eastward of the River Missisippi [sic] heretofore possest [sic] or claimed by France & Spain, are ceded and guarantied [sic] to Great Britain
Non-GLO Digital Images
Object Dates
[1763] (Creation Date)
People and Organizations
Herman Moll (Cartographer)
North America
Height x Width
8.5 x 11.3 inches
21.6 x 28.7 cm
digital image
Digital image courtesy of an anonymous supporter of the Texas General Land Office in 2018.
Part of: Non-GLO Digital Images
Ladonia, Fannin County, Texas

Print $20.00
Ladonia, Fannin County, Texas
Size 12.0 x 22.1 inches
Map/Doc 89097
[Movements & Objectives of the 143rd & 144th Infantry & 133rd Machine Gun Battalion on October 8-9, 1918, Appendix E, No. 4]
![94133, [Movements & Objectives of the 143rd & 144th Infantry & 133rd Machine Gun Battalion on October 8-9, 1918, Appendix E, No. 4], Non-GLO Digital Images](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/94133-1.tif.jpg)
Print $20.00
[Movements & Objectives of the 143rd & 144th Infantry & 133rd Machine Gun Battalion on October 8-9, 1918, Appendix E, No. 4]
Size 21.5 x 20.2 inches
Map/Doc 94133
Bird's Eye View of Jefferson, Texas

Print $20.00
Bird's Eye View of Jefferson, Texas
Size 18.7 x 23.5 inches
Map/Doc 89095
Plano del Presidio de Nra. Senora del Pilar de los Adaes, Capital de la Provincia de los Tejas situado en 32 grados y 15 minutos de Latitud Boreal, y en 285° y 52' de Longitud respecto del Meridiano de Tenerife

Plano del Presidio de Nra. Senora del Pilar de los Adaes, Capital de la Provincia de los Tejas situado en 32 grados y 15 minutos de Latitud Boreal, y en 285° y 52' de Longitud respecto del Meridiano de Tenerife
Size 16.9 x 21.4 inches
Map/Doc 96563
Rain Chart of the United States showing by isohyetal lines the distribution of the mean annual precipitation in rain and melted snow

Print $20.00
Rain Chart of the United States showing by isohyetal lines the distribution of the mean annual precipitation in rain and melted snow
Size 20.8 x 29.4 inches
Map/Doc 95190
Bird's Eye View of La Grange, Fayette County, Texas

Print $20.00
Bird's Eye View of La Grange, Fayette County, Texas
Size 24.1 x 31.2 inches
Map/Doc 89096
The Official Map of the City of El Paso, State of Texas

Print $20.00
The Official Map of the City of El Paso, State of Texas
Size 42.1 x 49.6 inches
Map/Doc 89616
Greenville, Tex., County Seat of Hunt County

Print $20.00
Greenville, Tex., County Seat of Hunt County
Size 17.3 x 24.9 inches
Map/Doc 89089
Kansas Pacific Railway: The Best and Shortest Cattle Route from Texas

Print $20.00
Kansas Pacific Railway: The Best and Shortest Cattle Route from Texas
Size 21.4 x 16.3 inches
Map/Doc 94453
[Movements & Objectives of the 143rd & 144th Infantry and many other divisions and regiments, 1918] - Verso
![94139, [Movements & Objectives of the 143rd & 144th Infantry and many other divisions and regiments, 1918] - Verso, Non-GLO Digital Images](https://historictexasmaps.com/wmedia_w700/maps/94139-1.tif.jpg)
Print $40.00
[Movements & Objectives of the 143rd & 144th Infantry and many other divisions and regiments, 1918] - Verso
Size 37.2 x 63.9 inches
Map/Doc 94139
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