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254 results

Hale County Sketch File 6
10468, Hale County Sketch File 6, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Hale County Sketch File 6

Size: 41.9 x 35.5 inches
Hockley County Sketch File 3
10490, Hockley County Sketch File 3, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Hockley County Sketch File 3

Size: 43.1 x 35.4 inches
Bailey County Sketch File 9
10885, Bailey County Sketch File 9, General Map Collection
Print $40.00 - Digital $50.00

Bailey County Sketch File 9

Size: 22.4 x 18.1 inches
Bailey County Sketch File 11
10886, Bailey County Sketch File 11, General Map Collection
Print $80.00 - Digital $50.00

Bailey County Sketch File 11

Size: 21.6 x 20.5 inches
Bailey County Sketch File B
10891, Bailey County Sketch File B, General Map Collection
Print $40.00 - Digital $50.00

Bailey County Sketch File B

Size: 14.5 x 20.4 inches
Hockley County Sketch File 1
11767, Hockley County Sketch File 1, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Hockley County Sketch File 1

Size: 20.3 x 18.9 inches
Hockley County Sketch File 8
11771, Hockley County Sketch File 8, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Hockley County Sketch File 8

Size: 35.0 x 26.2 inches
Lamb County Sketch File 5
11971, Lamb County Sketch File 5, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Sketch File 5

Size: 23.3 x 31.1 inches
Bailey County Sketch File 12
13969, Bailey County Sketch File 12, General Map Collection
Print $8.00 - Digital $50.00

Bailey County Sketch File 12

Size: 8.3 x 12.0 inches
Bailey County Sketch File 21
13990, Bailey County Sketch File 21, General Map Collection
Print $14.00 - Digital $50.00

Bailey County Sketch File 21

Size: 11.3 x 8.8 inches
Castro County Sketch File 4f
17475, Castro County Sketch File 4f, General Map Collection
Print $4.00 - Digital $50.00

Castro County Sketch File 4f

Size: 13.8 x 8.9 inches
Lamb County Sketch File 1 and 1a
29337, Lamb County Sketch File 1 and 1a, General Map Collection
Print $30.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Sketch File 1 and 1a

Size: 8.7 x 7.6 inches
Lamb County Sketch File 12
29363, Lamb County Sketch File 12, General Map Collection
Print $16.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Sketch File 12

Size: 8.6 x 7.7 inches
Lamb County Sketch File 15
29377, Lamb County Sketch File 15, General Map Collection
Print $6.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Sketch File 15

Size: 9.8 x 10.9 inches
Martin County Sketch File 3
30632, Martin County Sketch File 3, General Map Collection
Print $19.00 - Digital $50.00

Martin County Sketch File 3

Size: 7.4 x 8.6 inches
Lamb County Boundary File 1
56027, Lamb County Boundary File 1, General Map Collection
Print $10.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 1

Size: 11.1 x 8.5 inches
Lamb County Boundary File 1a
56032, Lamb County Boundary File 1a, General Map Collection
Print $24.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 1a

Size: 11.3 x 8.7 inches
Lamb County Boundary File 1b
56044, Lamb County Boundary File 1b, General Map Collection
Print $2.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 1b

Size: 10.9 x 8.8 inches
Lamb County Boundary File 1c
56045, Lamb County Boundary File 1c, General Map Collection
Print $32.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 1c

Size: 11.0 x 8.7 inches
Lamb County Boundary File 1d
56051, Lamb County Boundary File 1d, General Map Collection
Print $6.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 1d

Size: 10.2 x 8.2 inches
Lamb County Boundary File 1e
56053, Lamb County Boundary File 1e, General Map Collection
Print $10.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 1e

Size: 11.3 x 8.8 inches
Lamb County Boundary File 2
56057, Lamb County Boundary File 2, General Map Collection
Print $102.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 2

Size: 15.4 x 9.1 inches
Lamb County Boundary File 3
56079, Lamb County Boundary File 3, General Map Collection
Print $10.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 3

Size: 11.4 x 8.9 inches
Lamb County Boundary File 4
56084, Lamb County Boundary File 4, General Map Collection
Print $16.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 4

Size: 11.3 x 8.7 inches
Lamb County Rolled Sketch 5
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Rolled Sketch 5

Size: 11.8 x 21.5 inches
Lamb County Working Sketch 1
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Working Sketch 1

Size: 40.2 x 43.4 inches
Lamb County Working Sketch 2
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Working Sketch 2

Size: 13.6 x 15.3 inches
Lamb County Working Sketch 3
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Working Sketch 3

Size: 32.1 x 37.7 inches
Lamb County Working Sketch 4
Print $40.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Working Sketch 4

Size: 42.9 x 58.0 inches
[Capitol Leagues along Bailey-Lamb County Line]
Print $40.00 - Digital $50.00

[Capitol Leagues along Bailey-Lamb County Line]

Size: 12.6 x 49.5 inches
Hale County Sketch File 6
10468, Hale County Sketch File 6, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Hale County Sketch File 6

  • Size

    41.9 x 35.5 inches

  • Map/Doc


Hockley County Sketch File 3
10490, Hockley County Sketch File 3, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Hockley County Sketch File 3

  • Size

    43.1 x 35.4 inches

  • Map/Doc


Bailey County Sketch File 9
10885, Bailey County Sketch File 9, General Map Collection
Print $40.00 - Digital $50.00

Bailey County Sketch File 9

  • Size

    22.4 x 18.1 inches

  • Map/Doc


Bailey County Sketch File 11
10886, Bailey County Sketch File 11, General Map Collection
Print $80.00 - Digital $50.00

Bailey County Sketch File 11

  • Size

    21.6 x 20.5 inches

  • Map/Doc


Bailey County Sketch File B
10891, Bailey County Sketch File B, General Map Collection
Print $40.00 - Digital $50.00

Bailey County Sketch File B

  • Size

    14.5 x 20.4 inches

  • Map/Doc


Hockley County Sketch File 1
11767, Hockley County Sketch File 1, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Hockley County Sketch File 1

  • Size

    20.3 x 18.9 inches

  • Map/Doc


Hockley County Sketch File 8
11771, Hockley County Sketch File 8, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Hockley County Sketch File 8

  • Size

    35.0 x 26.2 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Sketch File 5
11971, Lamb County Sketch File 5, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Sketch File 5

  • Size

    23.3 x 31.1 inches

  • Map/Doc


Bailey County Sketch File 12
13969, Bailey County Sketch File 12, General Map Collection
Print $8.00 - Digital $50.00

Bailey County Sketch File 12

  • Size

    8.3 x 12.0 inches

  • Map/Doc


Bailey County Sketch File 21
13990, Bailey County Sketch File 21, General Map Collection
Print $14.00 - Digital $50.00

Bailey County Sketch File 21

  • Size

    11.3 x 8.8 inches

  • Map/Doc


Castro County Sketch File 4f
17475, Castro County Sketch File 4f, General Map Collection
Print $4.00 - Digital $50.00

Castro County Sketch File 4f

  • Size

    13.8 x 8.9 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Sketch File 1 and 1a
29337, Lamb County Sketch File 1 and 1a, General Map Collection
Print $30.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Sketch File 1 and 1a

  • Size

    8.7 x 7.6 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Sketch File 12
29363, Lamb County Sketch File 12, General Map Collection
Print $16.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Sketch File 12

  • Size

    8.6 x 7.7 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Sketch File 15
29377, Lamb County Sketch File 15, General Map Collection
Print $6.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Sketch File 15

  • Size

    9.8 x 10.9 inches

  • Map/Doc


Martin County Sketch File 3
30632, Martin County Sketch File 3, General Map Collection
Print $19.00 - Digital $50.00

Martin County Sketch File 3

  • Size

    7.4 x 8.6 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Boundary File 1
56027, Lamb County Boundary File 1, General Map Collection
Print $10.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 1

  • Size

    11.1 x 8.5 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Boundary File 1a
56032, Lamb County Boundary File 1a, General Map Collection
Print $24.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 1a

  • Size

    11.3 x 8.7 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Boundary File 1b
56044, Lamb County Boundary File 1b, General Map Collection
Print $2.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 1b

  • Size

    10.9 x 8.8 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Boundary File 1c
56045, Lamb County Boundary File 1c, General Map Collection
Print $32.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 1c

  • Size

    11.0 x 8.7 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Boundary File 1d
56051, Lamb County Boundary File 1d, General Map Collection
Print $6.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 1d

  • Size

    10.2 x 8.2 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Boundary File 1e
56053, Lamb County Boundary File 1e, General Map Collection
Print $10.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 1e

  • Size

    11.3 x 8.8 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Boundary File 2
56057, Lamb County Boundary File 2, General Map Collection
Print $102.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 2

  • Size

    15.4 x 9.1 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Boundary File 3
56079, Lamb County Boundary File 3, General Map Collection
Print $10.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 3

  • Size

    11.4 x 8.9 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Boundary File 4
56084, Lamb County Boundary File 4, General Map Collection
Print $16.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Boundary File 4

  • Size

    11.3 x 8.7 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Rolled Sketch 5
6563, Lamb County Rolled Sketch 5, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Rolled Sketch 5

  • Size

    11.8 x 21.5 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Working Sketch 1
70274, Lamb County Working Sketch 1, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Working Sketch 1

  • Size

    40.2 x 43.4 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Working Sketch 2
70275, Lamb County Working Sketch 2, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Working Sketch 2

  • Size

    13.6 x 15.3 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Working Sketch 3
70276, Lamb County Working Sketch 3, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Working Sketch 3

  • Size

    32.1 x 37.7 inches

  • Map/Doc


Lamb County Working Sketch 4
70277, Lamb County Working Sketch 4, General Map Collection
Print $40.00 - Digital $50.00

Lamb County Working Sketch 4

  • Size

    42.9 x 58.0 inches

  • Map/Doc


[Capitol Leagues along Bailey-Lamb County Line]
89630, [Capitol Leagues along Bailey-Lamb County Line], Twichell Survey Records
Print $40.00 - Digital $50.00

[Capitol Leagues along Bailey-Lamb County Line]

  • Size

    12.6 x 49.5 inches

  • Map/Doc
