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215 results

Plano del Lago de Sn. Bernardo situado en la costa del N. del Seno Mexicano su entrada en la L. N. de 28° 24' y en la Long. de 278° 27' segun el Meridiano de Tenerife
Print $20.00

Plano del Lago de Sn. Bernardo situado en la costa del N. del Seno Mexicano su entrada en la L. N. de 28° 24' y en la Long. de 278° 27' segun el Meridiano de Tenerife

Size: 7.9 x 17.3 inches
Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of Mexico
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of Mexico

Size: 14.1 x 16.7 inches
Plano de la Sauteña. Indicando los terrenos irrigados en Texas

Plano de la Sauteña. Indicando los terrenos irrigados en Texas

Size: 38.6 x 37.8 inches
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00


Size: 22.4 x 26.7 inches
Map of the Mexican National R.R. "Laredo Route" and Connections. The Scenic Short Line to the City of Mexico
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Map of the Mexican National R.R. "Laredo Route" and Connections. The Scenic Short Line to the City of Mexico

Size: 24.2 x 24.3 inches
Map of the Mexican National R.R. "Laredo Route" and Connections. The Scenic Short Line to the City of Mexico
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Map of the Mexican National R.R. "Laredo Route" and Connections. The Scenic Short Line to the City of Mexico

Size: 24.1 x 24.2 inches
A Map of Mexico, Louisiana and the Missouri Territory, including also the State of Mississippi, Alabama Territory, East & West Florida, Georgia, South Carolina & part of the Island of Cuba
Print $40.00

A Map of Mexico, Louisiana and the Missouri Territory, including also the State of Mississippi, Alabama Territory, East & West Florida, Georgia, South Carolina & part of the Island of Cuba

Size: 66.9 x 64.2 inches
Corpus Christi and Rio Grande Railway Company
Print $20.00

Corpus Christi and Rio Grande Railway Company

Size: 14.6 x 24.0 inches
Atlas Geográfico, Estadístico é Histórico de la República Mexicana
Atlas Geografico, Estadistico e Historico de la Republica Mexicana

Atlas Geográfico, Estadístico é Histórico de la República Mexicana

Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Mexico
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Mexico

Size: 18.0 x 22.4 inches
Map of the United States, the British Provinces, Mexico &c. Showing the Routes of the U.S. Mail Steam Packets to California and a Plan of the Gold Region
95695, Map of the United States, the British Provinces, Mexico &c. Showing the Routes of the U.S. Mail Steam Packets to California and a Plan of the Gold Region, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Map of the United States, the British Provinces, Mexico &c. Showing the Routes of the U.S. Mail Steam Packets to California and a Plan of the Gold Region

Size: 19.6 x 26.6 inches
Map of Mexico, Including Yucatan & Upper California, exhibiting the Chief Cities and Towns, the Principal Travelling Routes &c.
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Map of Mexico, Including Yucatan & Upper California, exhibiting the Chief Cities and Towns, the Principal Travelling Routes &c.

Size: 33.3 x 25.4 inches
Map of the Mexican Central Railway and Connections
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Map of the Mexican Central Railway and Connections

Size: 22.0 x 26.0 inches
Plano General de los Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico, F.C. Internacional Mexicano, F.C. Interoceanico de Mexico, F.C. Mexicano del sur y sus Conexiones
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Plano General de los Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico, F.C. Internacional Mexicano, F.C. Interoceanico de Mexico, F.C. Mexicano del sur y sus Conexiones

Size: 27.8 x 32.5 inches
Carta General de la República Mexicana Formada para el estudio de la configuracion y division interior de su territorio
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Carta General de la República Mexicana Formada para el estudio de la configuracion y division interior de su territorio

Size: 23.2 x 29.4 inches
Carta General de la República Mexicana Formada en vista de los datos mas recientes y exactos que se han reunido con tal objeto, y constan en la noticia presentada al Exmo. Sr. Ministro de Fomento, por Antonio García y Cubas
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Carta General de la República Mexicana Formada en vista de los datos mas recientes y exactos que se han reunido con tal objeto, y constan en la noticia presentada al Exmo. Sr. Ministro de Fomento, por Antonio García y Cubas

Size: 23.3 x 29.2 inches
Mexicque, ou Nouvelle Espagne, Nouvelle Gallice, Iucatan & c. et autres Provinces jusques a L'Isthme de Panama; ou font les Audiences de Mexico, de Guadalaiara, et de Guatimala
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Mexicque, ou Nouvelle Espagne, Nouvelle Gallice, Iucatan & c. et autres Provinces jusques a L'Isthme de Panama; ou font les Audiences de Mexico, de Guadalaiara, et de Guatimala

Size: 15.7 x 22.3 inches
A Map of the United States of Mexico as organized and defined by the several Acts of the Congress of that Republic
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

A Map of the United States of Mexico as organized and defined by the several Acts of the Congress of that Republic

Size: 25.3 x 31.8 inches
The Coast of New Spain from Neuva Vera Cruz to Triste Island
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

The Coast of New Spain from Neuva Vera Cruz to Triste Island

Size: 21.0 x 28.9 inches
The Coast of Mexico from Laguna de Esmotes to Punta Brava
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

The Coast of Mexico from Laguna de Esmotes to Punta Brava

Size: 22.2 x 29.8 inches
Le Vieux Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne avec les costes de la Floride faisant partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Le Vieux Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne avec les costes de la Floride faisant partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale

Size: 11.2 x 15.5 inches
Le Golfe de Mexique, et les Provinces et Isles qui l'Environe comme sont la Floride au nord, le Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne a l'ouest, la Terre-Ferme au sud, les Is. Antilles, Lucayes, St. Domingue et Jamaique a l'est
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Le Golfe de Mexique, et les Provinces et Isles qui l'Environe comme sont la Floride au nord, le Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne a l'ouest, la Terre-Ferme au sud, les Is. Antilles, Lucayes, St. Domingue et Jamaique a l'est

Size: 20.2 x 25.7 inches
Cette Carte de Californie et du Nouveau Mexique est tiree de celle qui a ete envoyee par un grand d'Espagne pour etre communiquee a Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Cette Carte de Californie et du Nouveau Mexique est tiree de celle qui a ete envoyee par un grand d'Espagne pour etre communiquee a Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences

Size: 11.8 x 16.5 inches
The Mesoamericans

The Mesoamericans

Size: 22.4 x 35.3 inches
Ancient Mesoamerica

Ancient Mesoamerica

Size: 22.2 x 35.1 inches
Land of the Maya, a Traveler's Map

Land of the Maya, a Traveler's Map

Size: 27.2 x 20.5 inches


Size: 23.0 x 34.0 inches
The Dividing Link - Mexico & Central America

The Dividing Link - Mexico & Central America

Size: 20.5 x 31.2 inches
Mexico & Central America

Mexico & Central America

Size: 20.5 x 31.5 inches
Mapa de los Estados Unidos Mejicanos arreglado a la distribucion que en diversos decretos ha hecho del territorio el Congreso General Mejicano
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Mapa de los Estados Unidos Mejicanos arreglado a la distribucion que en diversos decretos ha hecho del territorio el Congreso General Mejicano

Size: 24.6 x 30.3 inches
Plano del Lago de Sn. Bernardo situado en la costa del N. del Seno Mexicano su entrada en la L. N. de 28° 24' y en la Long. de 278° 27' segun el Meridiano de Tenerife
93616, Plano del Lago de Sn. Bernardo situado en la costa del N. del Seno Mexicano su entrada en la L. N. de 28° 24' y en la Long. de 278° 27' segun el Meridiano de Tenerife, Library of Congress
Print $20.00

Plano del Lago de Sn. Bernardo situado en la costa del N. del Seno Mexicano su entrada en la L. N. de 28° 24' y en la Long. de 278° 27' segun el Meridiano de Tenerife

  • Size

    7.9 x 17.3 inches

  • Map/Doc


Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of Mexico
93927, Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of Mexico, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Central America II. Including Texas, California and the Northern States of Mexico

  • Size

    14.1 x 16.7 inches

  • Map/Doc


Plano de la Sauteña. Indicando los terrenos irrigados en Texas
94566, Plano de la Sauteña. Indicando los terrenos irrigados en Texas, Non-GLO Digital Images

Plano de la Sauteña. Indicando los terrenos irrigados en Texas

  • Size

    38.6 x 37.8 inches

  • Map/Doc


95139, Mexico, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00


  • Size

    22.4 x 26.7 inches

  • Map/Doc


Map of the Mexican National R.R. "Laredo Route" and Connections. The Scenic Short Line to the City of Mexico
95145, Map of the Mexican National R.R. "Laredo Route" and Connections. The Scenic Short Line to the City of Mexico, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Map of the Mexican National R.R. "Laredo Route" and Connections. The Scenic Short Line to the City of Mexico

  • Size

    24.2 x 24.3 inches

  • Map/Doc


Map of the Mexican National R.R. "Laredo Route" and Connections. The Scenic Short Line to the City of Mexico
95146, Map of the Mexican National R.R. "Laredo Route" and Connections. The Scenic Short Line to the City of Mexico, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Map of the Mexican National R.R. "Laredo Route" and Connections. The Scenic Short Line to the City of Mexico

  • Size

    24.1 x 24.2 inches

  • Map/Doc


A Map of Mexico, Louisiana and the Missouri Territory, including also the State of Mississippi, Alabama Territory, East & West Florida, Georgia, South Carolina & part of the Island of Cuba
95312, A Map of Mexico, Louisiana and the Missouri Territory, including also the State of Mississippi, Alabama Territory, East & West Florida, Georgia, South Carolina & part of the Island of Cuba, Library of Congress
Print $40.00

A Map of Mexico, Louisiana and the Missouri Territory, including also the State of Mississippi, Alabama Territory, East & West Florida, Georgia, South Carolina & part of the Island of Cuba

  • Size

    66.9 x 64.2 inches

  • Map/Doc


Corpus Christi and Rio Grande Railway Company
95314, Corpus Christi and Rio Grande Railway Company, Library of Congress
Print $20.00

Corpus Christi and Rio Grande Railway Company

  • Size

    14.6 x 24.0 inches

  • Map/Doc


Atlas Geográfico, Estadístico é Histórico de la República Mexicana
Atlas Geografico, Estadistico e Historico de la Republica Mexicana

Atlas Geográfico, Estadístico é Histórico de la República Mexicana

  • Map/Doc


Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Mexico
95694, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Mexico, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Mexico

  • Size

    18.0 x 22.4 inches

  • Map/Doc


Map of the United States, the British Provinces, Mexico &c. Showing the Routes of the U.S. Mail Steam Packets to California and a Plan of the Gold Region
95695, Map of the United States, the British Provinces, Mexico &c. Showing the Routes of the U.S. Mail Steam Packets to California and a Plan of the Gold Region, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Map of the United States, the British Provinces, Mexico &c. Showing the Routes of the U.S. Mail Steam Packets to California and a Plan of the Gold Region

  • Size

    19.6 x 26.6 inches

  • Map/Doc


Map of Mexico, Including Yucatan & Upper California, exhibiting the Chief Cities and Towns, the Principal Travelling Routes &c.
95697, Map of Mexico, Including Yucatan & Upper California, exhibiting the Chief Cities and Towns, the Principal Travelling Routes &c., General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Map of Mexico, Including Yucatan & Upper California, exhibiting the Chief Cities and Towns, the Principal Travelling Routes &c.

  • Size

    33.3 x 25.4 inches

  • Map/Doc


Map of the Mexican Central Railway and Connections
95742, Map of the Mexican Central Railway and Connections, General Map Collection - 1
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Map of the Mexican Central Railway and Connections

  • Size

    22.0 x 26.0 inches

  • Map/Doc


Plano General de los Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico, F.C. Internacional Mexicano, F.C. Interoceanico de Mexico, F.C. Mexicano del sur y sus Conexiones
95743, Plano General de los Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico, F.C. Internacional Mexicano, F.C. Interoceanico de Mexico, F.C. Mexicano del sur y sus Conexiones, General Map Collection - 1
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Plano General de los Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico, F.C. Internacional Mexicano, F.C. Interoceanico de Mexico, F.C. Mexicano del sur y sus Conexiones

  • Size

    27.8 x 32.5 inches

  • Map/Doc


Carta General de la República Mexicana Formada para el estudio de la configuracion y division interior de su territorio
95823, Carta General de la República Mexicana Formada para el estudio de la configuracion y division interior de su territorio, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Carta General de la República Mexicana Formada para el estudio de la configuracion y division interior de su territorio

  • Size

    23.2 x 29.4 inches

  • Map/Doc


Carta General de la República Mexicana Formada en vista de los datos mas recientes y exactos que se han reunido con tal objeto, y constan en la noticia presentada al Exmo. Sr. Ministro de Fomento, por Antonio García y Cubas
95824, Carta General de la República Mexicana Formada en vista de los datos mas recientes y exactos que se han reunido con tal objeto, y constan en la noticia presentada al Exmo. Sr. Ministro de Fomento, por Antonio García y Cubas, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Carta General de la República Mexicana Formada en vista de los datos mas recientes y exactos que se han reunido con tal objeto, y constan en la noticia presentada al Exmo. Sr. Ministro de Fomento, por Antonio García y Cubas

  • Size

    23.3 x 29.2 inches

  • Map/Doc


Mexicque, ou Nouvelle Espagne, Nouvelle Gallice, Iucatan & c. et autres Provinces jusques a L'Isthme de Panama; ou font les Audiences de Mexico, de Guadalaiara, et de Guatimala
95831, Mexicque, ou Nouvelle Espagne, Nouvelle Gallice, Iucatan & c. et autres Provinces jusques a L'Isthme de Panama; ou font les Audiences de Mexico, de Guadalaiara, et de Guatimala, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Mexicque, ou Nouvelle Espagne, Nouvelle Gallice, Iucatan & c. et autres Provinces jusques a L'Isthme de Panama; ou font les Audiences de Mexico, de Guadalaiara, et de Guatimala

  • Size

    15.7 x 22.3 inches

  • Map/Doc


A Map of the United States of Mexico as organized and defined by the several Acts of the Congress of that Republic
95913, A Map of the United States of Mexico as organized and defined by the several Acts of the Congress of that Republic, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

A Map of the United States of Mexico as organized and defined by the several Acts of the Congress of that Republic

  • Size

    25.3 x 31.8 inches

  • Map/Doc


The Coast of New Spain from Neuva Vera Cruz to Triste Island
95919, The Coast of New Spain from Neuva Vera Cruz to Triste Island, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

The Coast of New Spain from Neuva Vera Cruz to Triste Island

  • Size

    21.0 x 28.9 inches

  • Map/Doc


The Coast of Mexico from Laguna de Esmotes to Punta Brava
95920, The Coast of Mexico from Laguna de Esmotes to Punta Brava, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

The Coast of Mexico from Laguna de Esmotes to Punta Brava

  • Size

    22.2 x 29.8 inches

  • Map/Doc


Le Vieux Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne avec les costes de la Floride faisant partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale
95922, Le Vieux Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne avec les costes de la Floride faisant partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Le Vieux Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne avec les costes de la Floride faisant partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale

  • Size

    11.2 x 15.5 inches

  • Map/Doc


Le Golfe de Mexique, et les Provinces et Isles qui l'Environe comme sont la Floride au nord, le Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne a l'ouest, la Terre-Ferme au sud, les Is. Antilles, Lucayes, St. Domingue et Jamaique a l'est
95923, Le Golfe de Mexique, et les Provinces et Isles qui l'Environe comme sont la Floride au nord, le Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne a l'ouest, la Terre-Ferme au sud, les Is. Antilles, Lucayes, St. Domingue et Jamaique a l'est, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Le Golfe de Mexique, et les Provinces et Isles qui l'Environe comme sont la Floride au nord, le Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne a l'ouest, la Terre-Ferme au sud, les Is. Antilles, Lucayes, St. Domingue et Jamaique a l'est

  • Size

    20.2 x 25.7 inches

  • Map/Doc


Cette Carte de Californie et du Nouveau Mexique est tiree de celle qui a ete envoyee par un grand d'Espagne pour etre communiquee a Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences
95924, Cette Carte de Californie et du Nouveau Mexique est tiree de celle qui a ete envoyee par un grand d'Espagne pour etre communiquee a Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Cette Carte de Californie et du Nouveau Mexique est tiree de celle qui a ete envoyee par un grand d'Espagne pour etre communiquee a Mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences

  • Size

    11.8 x 16.5 inches

  • Map/Doc


The Mesoamericans
95925, The Mesoamericans, General Map Collection

The Mesoamericans

  • Size

    22.4 x 35.3 inches

  • Map/Doc


Ancient Mesoamerica
95926, Ancient Mesoamerica, General Map Collection

Ancient Mesoamerica

  • Size

    22.2 x 35.1 inches

  • Map/Doc


Land of the Maya, a Traveler's Map
95933, Land of the Maya, a Traveler's Map, General Map Collection

Land of the Maya, a Traveler's Map

  • Size

    27.2 x 20.5 inches

  • Map/Doc


95939, Mexico, General Map Collection


  • Size

    23.0 x 34.0 inches

  • Map/Doc


The Dividing Link - Mexico & Central America
95941, The Dividing Link - Mexico & Central America, General Map Collection

The Dividing Link - Mexico & Central America

  • Size

    20.5 x 31.2 inches

  • Map/Doc


Mexico & Central America
95942, Mexico & Central America, General Map Collection

Mexico & Central America

  • Size

    20.5 x 31.5 inches

  • Map/Doc


Mapa de los Estados Unidos Mejicanos arreglado a la distribucion que en diversos decretos ha hecho del territorio el Congreso General Mejicano
96514, Mapa de los Estados Unidos Mejicanos arreglado a la distribucion que en diversos decretos ha hecho del territorio el Congreso General Mejicano, General Map Collection
Print $20.00 - Digital $50.00

Mapa de los Estados Unidos Mejicanos arreglado a la distribucion que en diversos decretos ha hecho del territorio el Congreso General Mejicano

  • Size

    24.6 x 30.3 inches

  • Map/Doc
